Tuesday, November 18, 2008

School - God - Prayer = teenage immorality & sex

Tyra Banks is shocked at what our teenagers are telling us. Why? Why is this such a surprise when we take God and prayer out of school? Why is this such a surprise when we put condoms in school and teach birth control vs. abstinence? Why is this such a surprise when we fawn over Jamie Spears for having a child out of wedlock, and are constantly exposed to sex in everything from gym socks to cigarettes during prime time t.v.?

Yeah- its a real mystery to me too! Some startling facts:
  • On average, girls are losing their virginity at 15 years of age.
  • 14 percent of teens who are having sex say they’re doing it at school.
  • 52 percent of survey respondents say they do not use protection when having sex.
  • One in three says she fears having a sexually transmitted disease.
  • 24 percent of teens with STDs say they still have unprotected sex.
  • One in five girls says she wants to be a teen mom.
  • About 50 percent acknowledge that they’ve hit someone.
  • One out of three teens has tried drugs.

What say you? Are you tired of our children being exploited and exposed to the worst we have to offer? Is it any wonder the Muslims find us and our entertainment habits reprehensible? We pipe this garbage onto the airwaves make celebrities out of people who were not able to finish their education because they were called to acting or whatever lame excuse they use for not finishing their education.

One in 5 girls wants to be a mom. Wow. If they had any clue how much it takes to be a MOTHER, they would run for the hills. But again, we are lauding Jamie Spears for her pregnancy and showing it CAN work. Yeah- if you are wealthy and can afford a nanny! But that isn't real life! Most of us know how difficult it is when someone is TOTALLY dependent on you for survival. I think if we were to take away the mobile phones of these wanna be mommies and ensure they stay home Friday and Saturday nights for a while, the novelty would wear off. Perhaps we should look at it as at least 1 in 5 is not wanting to get pregnant to have an abortion.

I am all for freedom. In fact, if I think might want to watch something of poor moral character, I should have the right to make that decision. But I should also have the right to ensure my children are exposed to the proper influences while they are at school, and in my opinion, there is no better influence than that of God, and for making people accountable for their decisions.