It is hard to believe, but it is Christmas morning already. 2009 literally FLEW by despite the economic challenges it presented so many people. Perhaps that was a tender mercy.
During this time of year, as the carols are played on the radio, many of the songs speak of the birth of our LORD, and rest of the coming of Jesus Christ to this world.
For me, one song in particular strikes a chord, and seldom fails to cause me to well up thinking about that day so many years ago. I am speaking of The Little Drummer Boy . The version, as we know it, was written in the 1950's and as you are probably already aware, talks to the impoverished conditions in which the King of kings is born- in utter humility.
The thing that strikes me most is the image of the new-born Christ, rosy cheeks, in all His splendor, so innocent and tender, and what his fate is to be, yet He is full of love for all mankind. I think back to the birth of my children and the sense of awe I had at the miracle of birth. Anyone with any spirituality whatsoever whom has witnessed a child's birth has to be moved in the same way. For me, especially with my daughter's birth, I sensed something else- an angelic presence in her eyes and smile. I got the distinct sensation she had just been with God and came to us. It was uncanny and almost palpable; surreal for certain.
But there is more to the story of Jesus' birth.
Today, child birth is relatively predictable. We have hospitals, nurses and doctors, clean environments, and so much information to ensure a healthy baby which begins with gestation. There t.v. shows, magazine articles, websites and even parents sharing tips and notes of what to expect.
Mary and Joseph did not have the benefit of any such advantage. Ostracized as an illegitimate pregnant woman, this woman was barely a teen-ager when she was saddled with the greatest responsibility of anyone in the history of man- to raise the savior and Son of man. Even Joseph I think had some doubts about the conception, but he accepted his role as her husband and when they departed their community with great uncertainty.
With nowhere to go, not even a room in an inn, this young, scared mother and father settled down in a cave with farm animals to give birth. Can you imagine? No idea of what to do, no support, no warm bed, no family, not even the benefit of having visited a doctor, and all with the highest degree of uncertainty: Why me? How am I going to do this? How will we provide for Him?
Questions all new parents face- the doubt and uncertainty, but most at least have communal support if not familial support.
As with any birthday celebration, I hope you will remember who we are celebrating, and not be sucked in by all the hype of commercialism during the holiday. Remember HE is the reason for the season. And don't be afraid to wish someone MERRY CHRISTMAS. It is YOUR faith and your belief. If a "friend" is offended, they weren't your friend in the first place.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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