We all pretty much know what happened with Adam and Eve in the garden when they were tempted with the fruit of the tree of knowledge- they failed in their test. But the punishment for each was different. The punishment for Eve was lighter than Adam's as Eve was tempted by Satan himself and Adam was tempted by Eve. But I think there may be something more as well. In
Genesis 3:8 when the LORD walked in the Garden, he called out to Adam, not Eve, for Adam was the spiritual leader of the couple. His penalty for being enticed by Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit was a life of toil and sweat on his brow. Eve's penalty, though some may argue, was less in the pain of child bearing and a monthly reminder.
The point is since Adam was the spiritual leader of the couple, God sought him for

accountability, and since Adam did nothing to rebuke Eve for eating but rather ate as well, his punishment was (and should have been) greater. The same goes for believers. Those who are ministers and preach will be judged most harshly as they should be more in tune with the Word and any err they commit is potentially more profound because of their leadership position. Same with corrupt judges. Those who do not uphold the law will answer to the Lord for their transgressions against their authority.
In light of th

is, if you are a husband and/or father, are YOU the Spiritual Leader of you Home? If you are not, you better be because come Judgment Day, there are no excuses, only those who did and did not.
Deuteronomy 4:9, 10; 6:6, 7;
11:19 talks about the teaching of your children while
Ephesians 5:25, 28, 33 talks about how to be the leader of your spouse. One of my favorite verses is
Ephesians 5:24, not for the wife to submit to the husband, but because men so often quote that verse and forget the more important 25th verse:
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church andAZ)"> gave himself up for her. In other words, if you have the same love for your wife as Christ did for the church,
your wife will want to follow you as her leader.Think about it. The last time you were in a difficult, perhaps even dangerous situation, you may have thought to yourself I wish there was someone here to tell me what to do. If there had been, what if they did not have YOUR best interest at heart? Would you have followed them? Would you have put yourself in a potentially hazardous position on their behalf? What if it was someone you would do anything for? Your family? Perhaps your partner if you are a cop or firefighter, maybe your battle buddy in the military. There are some bonds stronger than family, but regardless of the relationship, the illustration is the same, and the answer is the same.
You WOULDN'T follow someone who did not have your best interest at heart, but you would put infinite faith in someone whom you care for deeply. Why is that?
Faith. You have more faith in your securing a positive outcome for yourself with someone you trust and care for much more than for someone who do not have a vested interest in your welfare.
Think about the pig and the chicken. If you have bacon and eggs for breakfast, the chicken has an interest, but the pig is fully vested.
Are you fully vested with your spouse and children? Do you build them up and have the love and patience Christ has for you? Probably not, unless you are perfect or someone who is highly unusual (not a bad thing). It is just that we tend to love ourselves more than we love others which makes it so difficult to do.
So how do you do it?
1 day at a time. Pray for wisdom and strength, and for the Holy Spirit to guide you and for the Lord to open your eyes and ears to the needs of your family. Make sure you make time for them and demonstrate how important their happiness is in your life. Before you know it, you will be living for others, and your life will be transformed in ways you cannot believe.